ITALYPAA will take place 17–19 March 2017 in Milan.
Young People’s Groups in Alcoholics Anonymous began appearing around 1945 in Los Angeles, CA, Cleveland, OH and Philadelphia, PA and now they can be found all across the world in countries like Sweden, England, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Malta, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Lithuania and more. These groups are in no way different than AA as a whole. They carry AA’s vital life giving message and follow the well-known responsibility pledge of AA
I am responsible …
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help;
I want the hand of AA always to be there.
And for that, I am responsible
ITALYPAA is the result of the EURYPAA convention, which took place in Rome in 2015, in which Italian AAs had the opportunity to meet and to discover the common desire to create new opportunities for young people in the AA program. “Young” means everyone who is willing to grow, alcoholism has no barrier of age.
ITALYPAA is organized with the intention of celebrating sobriety in AA while emphasizing the recovery of young people, young in recovery, and young at heart. ITALYPAA shows how in AA “we are not a glum lot.” Unity and celebration is a vital part of AA as a whole.
We invite all members of AA to attend the conference. The number of young people suffering from alcoholism and seeking help in AA is growing.
ITALYPAA is and will remain faithful to carrying AA’s recovery message to alcoholics of any age.
The annual ITALYPAA conference provides an opportunity for members of AA both inside and outside Italy to join in harmony by sharing their experience, strength and hope.In the spirit of cooperation with all of AA, EURYPAA provides visible evidence that large numbers of young people are achieving a lasting and comfortable sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts, Responsibility Pledge and The Three Legacies of AA — Recovery, Unity & Service — are the guiding foundations of ITALYPAA as an AA event, just as they are throughout all of AA.ITALYPAA will strive to cooperate with any AA area where the convention is held. We will also regularly contribute to the AA General Service Office, as well as to the Area Service structure in the local areas where the convention is held. ITALYPAA convention attendees are most often participants of the local service areas where the convention is held or has been held. They can often be found serving at General Service Offices or Area Service structures in the ITALYPAA region.As further testament that Young People’s events like ITALYPAA are a part of AA as a whole, at the 1960 World AA Convention, Bill W. noted that the age of new members was much lower than when he and Dr. Bob founded AA 25 years earlier.